Monday, July 12, 2010

Taylor Lautner To Star With Joslyn James and Loredana Jolie In Bellanino Terrabini's "Menage a Trois Du Vampires"

HOLLYWOOD - Noted producer Bellanino Terrabini stated that he will soon begin filming on his latest movie entitled Menage a Trois Du Vampires.

The $47 million movie epic will star Taylor Lautner, Joslyn James, and Loredana Jolie. Terrabini says he will shoot the motion picture on location in Sighisoara, Transylvania.

The village of Sighisoara is noted for its medieval history, old Saxon structures, vampirical architecture, and knickerless lasses.

In the movie Lautner will star as Vardamar The Slayer of Swamp Creatures. Joslyn James will star as one of his lovers the bosomy Luludemai Seductress of Balkan Studs, and Loredana Jolie will portray his other lover the even bosomier Sultetta The Countess of Ottoman Counting Houses.

The film will be x-rated due to the coarse language, the graphic sexual nature content, the explicit groin scenes, and the closeups of Luludemai's and Sultetta's chufties (groin goodies).

SIDENOTE: The film will have its premier in Vampireville, Virginia in late September. Bellanino Terrabini has stated that Vice-President and Mrs. Joe Biden will be the special premier guests.


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