Monday, August 9, 2010

Nearly Naked Lady Gaga Crowd Surfs at Lollapalooza (watch!)

Lady Gaga is the body that launched a thousand gropes at the Lallapalooza music festival in Chicago, after diving into the crowd nearly naked.

Gaga, 24, wearing a fish-net top without a bra and fish-net stockings over flesh-colored panties, crowd surfed as hundreds of wild fans passed her over their heads. She rolled and twisted as fans groped her.

One fan can even be seen licking her stomach.

The band Semi Precious Weapons, which has been fronting for her on her Monster’s Ball tour, was playing at the time.

‘She stood on the side of the stage, and then during the song Magnetic Baby, she started playing drums with Dan,” Frontman Justin Tranter told MTV.

“Then she started singing backup vocals, then her and I made out, and then she stagedove and then I joined her while she stage-dove.

“And then we made out while stagediving. And then she left. It was pretty amazing.”

Gaga took the stage later wearing a black leather jacket with massive, oversized shoulder pads. Next, she donned a shiny red cape, and a transparent dress.

“My name is Lady Gaga. I thank you for coming to my show. I didn’t used to be brave. In fact I wasn’t very brave at all,” she told her fans.

“But you have made me brave, little monsters. So now I’m going to be brave for you. Tonight, I want you to free yourself.”

Gaga was one of the headliners of the annual show, along with Soundgarden and Green Day.


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