Monday, August 9, 2010

Shaquille O'Neal Trades Tweets With Kim Kardashian, Lakers Fans

Naturally, the most outspoken man in the NBA caught on with the latest Internet sensation.
Twitter, which has gained extreme popularity in the last year, allows users to capture their thoughts in 140 characters. Shaquille O’Neal maximizes those 140 like he does possessions in the paint.

The Celtics’ most recent signing tweeted four times between 5 and 6 a.m. ET on Sunday, though it’s possible O’Neal is on the West Coast, putting those life updates at a more reasonable 3 a.m.

First, he replied to Kim Kardashian, who tweeted, “Anyone watching the Perfect Skin infomercial? Anyone order it?” Shaq succinctly answered, “no I am not watching it and no I did not order it.” Shaq must have perfect skin.

He followed that up by talking at Draya Michele, magazine model and Chris Brown’s new girlfriend. “go to sleep Lil girl,” Big Diesel tweeted. Perhaps he should take his own advice.

Shaq was far from done, sending a non sequitur “shiver me timbers” to Hypno_T0ad and capping the night off with a reply to Lakers fan ISH026. The Shaq admirer sent out, “SO JIM ROME DONT WANT NONE OF THE ‘BIG DIESEL’?” Never one to ignore his fans, Shaq responded “he knows better.” That he does, Shaq, that he does.

It was just a typical day -- on Twitter, at least -- for Shaquille O’Neal.


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