Friday, August 6, 2010

Taylor Lautner - Robert Pattinson – Kristen Stewart : Fans’ patience tested with Breaking Dawn

Most of the Twilight fans have already read the ‘Breaking dawn’ by now but still the fans of the book and the franchise and mainly RobSten fans will have a hard time waiting to see how the best seller is filmed. But Summit has different plans for the fans, the first part of the ‘Breaking Dawn’ is to be released on Nov 18 2011 and then the wait for the second part is for a year. The part two of ‘Breaking Dawn’ and the last instalment of ‘Twilight’ will hit the theatres on Nov 16, 2012.
Summit Entertainment has earlier hoped that by releasing ‘the Twilight Saga: Eclipse” on June 30, 2010during the summer it will have a better box office collection compared to its previous two instalments. As the franchise targets the teenagers and they would be out of school on summer vacation during the time hence the company expected to have a better box-office earning.
However, ‘Eclipse’ failed to make the impact with earning of $288.1 million domestic and a total of $644.8 million worldwide till now. It is unlikely that it will exceed ‘New Moon’ earning, which grossed $709 million worldwide and $296 million domestic. ‘Eclipse’ was considered to be more action packed of the series but it’s failing to earn as expected by Summit has forced them to reconsider a summer release for the next to instalments of the film.

Both ‘Twilight’ and ‘New Moon’ were released in November 2008 and 2009 respectively. So the with the fans Rob, Kris and Taylor have to wait for ‘Breaking Dawn’ to end and have a happy ever after till November16, 2012. This wait will be testing the patience of the fans.


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alex rodriguez joslyn morse

alex rodriguez joslyn morse


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