Friday, July 16, 2010

Paris Hilton sexy as a brunette!

Paris Hilton sexy as a brunette

Don't worry, it's not permanent!

The heiress is still going to meetings and shopping up a storm in Paris, and she just tweeted this pic of herself attempting to go incognito. C'mon P, we'd recognize you anywhere -- especially when you look just as sexy as a brunette!



Anonymous said...

she really looks good with brunette hair

Anonymous said...

Paris is such a sweetheart. She looks cute but she looks better as a blonde.

Anonymous said...

her tweet photos are cute

Anonymous said...

All your LittleHiltons love you Paris!

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful vacation Paris and Nicky!!!

Anonymous said...

Paris looks fantastic as a brunette. absolutely gorgeous and feminine!

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Sexy Famous Celebrity