Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Britney Spears Not Starring in Britney-Themed Episode of "Glee"

It was Britney Spears who came up with the idea to have her music used in an episode of Glee, but that's as far as Spears' participation goes in this project. The pop tart will not be appearing in a cameo in the episode! She is too busy getting really bad hair extensions – someone call Chris McMillan, who is Jennifer Aniston's hairstylist, stat- and loading up on Starbucks libations to appear on the hottest show on TV and possibly boost a career that has sagged lower than her boobies after giving birth to Sean Preston and Jayden James.

Series star Jane Lynch said, "Britney's not in it" last Tuesday in Hollywood while a wax doppelganger of herself was unveiled at Madame Tussaud's. Lynch went on to say that the episode was merely a tribute to Brit Brit's music, which I must point out, the singer didn't write. She merely sang pre-penned tunes written by pop music songwriters! Lynch did also reveal that pieces of Brit's real life drama will somehow be intertwined into the episode's storyline.

Will you watch the Brit-themed ep of Glee since she isn't going to be on it or are you over it?

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