Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What Do Megan Fox, Bobby Petrino and the Fantastic Four Have in Common?

Football practice is in full swing and, frankly, the news is coming so fast it's hard to keep up (we're waiting for our new crop of interns to arrive). We definitely recommend supplementing your Razorback reading with sites like the Slophouse, AS360 and the RazorBloggers, but in the meantime here's a look at what jumped out at us over the weekend:

* Bobby Petrino isn't known to be the most loquacious guy around, so when he talks for 35 minutes at Media Day it's kind of a big deal. Luckily, the Slophouse has a full transcript up and it's a must-read. He talks in great detail about a number of players, both the stars and guys who don't get their names in the paper as much, plus topics ranging from the Nike uniforms to Garrick McGee's status as a new father to his approach to practice (just don't ask him who he voted for in the USA Today coaches' poll). Here's a sample (with our emphasis added):

One of the things about football is, you always talk about playing fast, playing fast, playing fast. Well, it’s not just your 40 time. You’re understanding of what the scheme is, your understanding of the other side of the ball, your football instincts and your football intelligence, which we call your FBIs, allow you to play faster. With our experience, we should play much faster on defense.

And another:

Ryan’s done well, he’s done real well. It’s fun to have him back out there.  Mentally he’s been very sharp. He really knows the offense and where to distribute the ball. I think he has a luxury in the fact that he’s got good weapons around him. What you have to do is just read the defense and distribute the ball according to the defense. You don’t have to force anything to a certain receiver or a certain tight end. You just let it work. I think he’s understood that. He’s executed well. He’s been sharp with his throws and his decision making. You know we chart everything, so like yesterday in practice he was 79 percent completions, which is very, very good.

* Still not feeling excited enough about the upcoming season? This article from JIm Harris will help set you straight.

* A nice 2010 football preview from Pre-Snap Read (courtesy of the RazorBloggers' Twitter).

* A group of Razorback wide receivers has dubbed themselves the "Fantastic Four." But it's not the four players you think...

* Finally, on the lighter side, Brandon Marcello has dug deep to find answers to the questions that really matter this preseason. Which assistant coach listens to the Talking Heads? Who got through a rough breakup with the help of a John Mayer CD? And which player is already (humorously) angling for a date with Megan Fox when he cashes in on upcoming NFL riches?

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