Friday, August 6, 2010

Justin Bieber takes his rightful place among the literary greats

Every diva has her day, and for Justin Bieber, that day is today.

Currently in the throes of penning his personal memoir, Bieber is joining a growing list of starlets opting to preemptively write their life stories. Like Paris Hilton's Confessions of an Heiress and Miley Cyrus' Miles to Go, the upcoming Justin Bieber: First Step 2 Forever: My Story is slated to be a revelatory cultural force on par with Titanic 2 and Kathy Griffin's Houston double feature on Saturday.

Says the Bieb:

Every day I wake up and count my blessings. My fans have played such a large part in all of this and they help me live my dreams every day. I'm excited to share just a little bit more of my world with them through this book. Between the behind-the-scenes pictures and the story I think this is going to be something they can all enjoy. This is just another way for me to say thank you to my fans."

The hardcover, illustrated volume will hit bookstands in October, and will retail for $21.99. The pretty boy's publisher, HarperCollins, said in a statement that Justin Bieber: First Step 2 Forever: My Story will reveal the teen sensation's "amazing journey to stardom" and also will include previously unseen photos for "fans afflicted with Bieber fever."

Bieber's rapid rise to fame is certainly newsworthy, but the assumed reflectiveness of a memoir might be hard to find in the life tale of a 16-year-old — especially when all we really want to know is what polymer concoction goes into his iconic hair swoop.

Once Bieber started getting mocked for writing a memoir, he quickly took to Twitter to backtrack, writing it is more of a "picture" book. Now, this is an author with conviction.


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