Sunday, November 27, 2011

Justin Bieber signs autographs at the Bookstore

The teen star was yesterday in a library New York signing autographs for all fans who purchased their book “Justin Bieber: First Step 2 Forever“.

Despite the cold it was yesterday in New York, thousands of fans thronged the streets of this city to get an autograph from Justin Bieber Logically, book in hand.

Justin was putting his signature on over a thousand copies of his first book “Justin Bieber: First Step 2 Forever” On library New York Barnes and Noble. “And nobody here is surprised if a week Justin Bieber has become a best seller, because the amount of fans you have, such a goal is more than possible.

At first it was said that Bieber only signed to the first thousand people, but then, to please the thousands of girls lined up outside the library was allowed to enter other thousand. Imagine, then, the number of people that was out there.

Justin was very grateful to all of them and, for those who failed to be present, kept abreast of what he was doing via Twitter:
"Autographing books and cd's. This is unbelievable. My fans are the most loyal and passionate in the world. Extremely grateful. Thank you. "

"We will autograph more people ... I will not until it has fulfilled my promise. Thank you all for being so cool. "
"Finished sign autograph N.Y. He had to show love. We let a thousand people. I love them all. I wish I could let everyone come here. "
Quite rewarding Justin. And how will not be discovered with such displays of affection from his fans, especially their sales book had.

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