Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Kelly Osbourne Talks Ex-Fiance, Weight Loss

http://img2.timeinc.net/people/i/2011/news/110117/kelly-osbourne-240.jpgKelly Osbourne and Luke Worrall split up almost six months ago. But Osbourne says she's still not over her ex-fiancé, and hasn't slept with anyone since.

"I think we need to spend time working on ourselves, but it doesn't erase the fact that I'm head over heels in love with him … I haven't been with anyone since Luke," Osbourne tells the February issue of British Cosmopolitan, on newsstands Jan. 6.

But there is anger there, too – as evidenced by Osbourne and Worrall's verbal spat on Twitter over the holidays, during which Osbourne wrote, "All he did was use me," and added, "all girls beware!"

In the Cosmo interview, which presumably pre-dates the holidays, Osbourne is more magnanimous. "I'm 26, and Luke is 21," she says. "We still have a lot to learn about life. A lot of mistakes were made, a lot of bad things were said."

Elsewhere in the interview, Osbourne talks about how she gained weight after getting out of rehab – and then found the motivation to slim down while performing on Dancing with the Stars.

"I replaced drugs with food," she says. "I was emotionally eating and hated the way I looked, but I couldn't mask my self-loathing with pills anymore."

But the weight gain brought its own problems. "When you're a fat girl in Hollywood, it's not fun," Osbourne says. "You never get looked at the way skinny girls do. I covered it up with my humor, but suddenly I found myself unfunny and hated what I saw."

Things changed when she was asked to do Dancing with the Stars, which she ended up almost winning. "I only did it to lose weight," she says. "I made a life change and re-educated myself about food and eating right. I didn't know anything before about eating in moderation."

Now, she says, she's more confident than she's ever been, despite the heartache she's suffered. "People forget that I was 15 when I was thrown into the limelight," she says. "The teenage years were the hardest of my life. I found that, as I've grown older, I've finally learnt what makes me comfortable."

Credit: People

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