Saturday, November 26, 2011

Robert Pattinson is auctioned

A meeting with Robert Pattinson. Who knows how many female members of the dream of going out with the star of " Twilight ", pity that not all have the ability to pay incurred figures to touch one of the sex symbol today. The British actor, in fact, decided to literally put down 'auction for charity.

The news comes from Marie Claire magazine's website, where we read the latest stage a charity of Robert , a raffle prize of online Charity Buzz . And apparently there are many who aspire to this achievement, in fact, the figure has already reached more than thirty thousand dollars.

In reality, it will be the lucky winner to spend a full day on the set of "Breaking Dawn" in Vancouver, plus two nights in a suite at the Four Seasons Hotel and a limousine available for travel. In addition to knowing the entire cast of the film, who will win the auction will Pattinson at your disposal for one day.

The package does not include a close encounter with Kristen Stewart, unless it is met on the set or clinging to his companion, which seems to be very jealous. Among the celebrities who might groped to win this coveted prize, however, there will be Jennifer Aniston.

It is arrived the denial of the gossip that he wanted the Friends star infatuated fellow twenty-four. At least for the danger Aniston, Kristen can be no doubt quiet.

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